Friday, July 16, 2010

Alligator Clips....

I never dreamed in a million years I would have to be telling you this.....NEVER!

There has been a manufacturers defect on the alligator clips. These clips are the single prong clips I usually use to attach bows, flowers, and clippies.

DO NOT WORRY! I did not have any of the defected alligator clips. I was actually lucky. I ran out after the defected ones were put on the line and had already been recalled. (I buy 1000 clips at a time) So you will see how LUCKY I WAS!!! Praise the Lord!!!

I currently do NOT have any alligator clips. I have been using the french clips or the double prong clips for all bows, flowers and clippies. If you have ordered in the last few know you have been getting french clips. If you have gotten an alligator clip, that is because I accidently came across one in my inventory.

I really do not notice a difference between the alligator and the french clips when they are being worn. I use both types of clips on my girls and with headbands too. Some people think the french clip stays in better, but if it has is not going anywhere! ;)

Anyways, I am just telling you this in case you REALLY prefer the alligator clips. As soon as they are back in production, I will be purchasing some! Promise!!!


  1. PTL is right! glad you were not affected! :)

  2. I know, I cannot even imagine what that would have been like telling customers...Ummmm....your bow is defeated! lol! BUT at the same time, people should know. I am realistic enough to know people buy from other Moms too! So good information for all.
